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If You Think You Know Everything in This Video, Think Again

team team huddle Jun 19, 2024
Tom Brady speaking at a podium

This week, I want to make a special request.

I want you to watch this video.

It’s 3 hours long.

I know that's a BIG ask.

Still, I want you to watch it from start to finish.

If you think you know everything in this video, think again.

This video is not about Tom Brady.

It’s not about football.

It’s an absolute MASTERCLASS in leadership, teams, and the pursuit of excellence.

Everything you need to know to be an extraordinary team leader can be found here.

For the first 24 years of my life, I LIVED everything in this video through my participation in organized sports...and this is what I’ve strived for every day since.

Some days I’m great at it. Other days, I'm not so great.

But I understand every word, every thought, every feeling expressed in this video. This is what I know and believe. Tears streamed down my face as I watched because it touched my heart at the deepest level.

In preparing and promoting the Team Leader Bootcamp, it has become abundantly clear to me…

There is a COMPLETE VOID of leadership and team training in real estate.

Being a rainmaker is NOT being a team leader.

Thinking you don’t need leadership training is a strong indication that you need to think again.

You cannot have a team without a head coach. It doesn’t work.

I know you have the rainmaker role down…

I question whether you have the team leader role down.

In this 3-hour video, you will hear Tom Brady share…

Nothing of real significance can be accomplished alone.

That's why building a team is so important.

It's LEADERSHIP that creates the foundation and framework for exceptional performance.

And what you'll see in this video is that leadership starts with your ability to inspire LOVE.

I know that sounds odd, especially in a business setting. However, if you only get one thing from this video, it should be the importance of inspiring love as a team leader.

Becoming a true team leader will not be a walk in the park.

As you'll hear Tom Brady say: Life is hard, and that is why you do it. Football is hard, and that is why you do it.

I will add: Real estate is hard, and that is why you do it.

Being a team leader—a leader of any kind—is incredibly hard, incredibly challenging, and when you get it right, incredibly REWARDING.

Just know it will take 100% of what you have and what you can grow into.

Right now, if you’re being completely honest with yourself, when it comes to being a team leader…

What you’re really doing is being a babysitter.

You’re running an adult day care center.

You’re enabling bad behavior.

Every day, I hear your frustration about getting team members to perform the way you want and need them to.

If you’re feeling this way, the first place you have to look is in the mirror.

Your team’s production is a direct reflection of your leadership abilities. If you don’t like the production, you’ve gotta go to work on becoming a better leader.

Each week in this blog…

The goal is to give you a MUCH better understanding of what it means to be an effective leader…

what team is all about...

and specifically, how to foster a culture of EXCELLENCE and INTEGRITY.

This video is your introduction to all of that.

Please take the time to watch it this week.

And if you haven’t yet signed up to join us in the Team Leader Bootcamp, today is your LAST CHANCE!

Class starts tomorrow at 8:30 AM PST / 11:30 AM EST.


See you soon,


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