This past week we had our first monthly call with the Black Swan Group.
Here are a few selected highlights from the call. The full transcript and recording can be downloaded in The Film Room section below.
Human nature dictates that negative emotions, negative dynamics drive decision-making and drive behavior, and your industry is replete with negative emotions and dynamics, and if you ignore those, you pretend that they're not there, they're going to wind up derailing your conversations further down the road. The flip side of that is that once you embrace the fact that negative emotions and negative dynamics drive decision-making and behavior, you put yourself as a distinct advantage because the people that you work with then become more predictable. You can begin to predict what they're going to do, what they're going to say, what they're going to ask next because of your clear understanding of that human nature response.
You failing to prepare your client for possibilities that are negative in nature, you're doing them and you're doing yourself a disservice. There is, you want to change the way they look at you, tell them what's ahead of them, even if it's the worst thing possible, because you take uncertainty out of the equation, and uncertainty is the mother of fear, and so instead of hoping nothing goes wrong, you tell them, "This could probably go wrong. This has happened in the past. I want you to be aware of this."
Getting out in front of those things preemptively takes away all of that uncertainty, and as I mentioned, uncertainty is the mother of fear. Even if it's bad, if they know it's coming, you've given them an opportunity to brace themselves, because most people will not do that. Most people are afraid that, "If I mention these negatives preemptively, I'm going to send these people running for the hills, so what I'll do is I'll just sit back, keep my fingers crossed, and I'll deal with it when it occurs." What does that say about your genuineness? What does that say about your transparency?
What does that say about you trying to demonstrate tactical empathy for the other side? And so hope, it's always good to have hope, but that should not be your overriding motivation, not should not be your strategy.
Salespeople all over the globe, they want to pitch gain, they want to pitch benefit, they want to pitch opportunity, and this ties back to that human nature response. That's not what moves people. You, agents are on this call today because you're afraid. You made the decision to join us today because you are afraid.
You're afraid of not progressing. You're afraid of not being as profitable as you otherwise could be, so my point is everything that we do, fear is a component in there somewhere, and when you go into any meeting, whether it's a listing appointment or anything, where you're pitching gain and you're pitching opportunity, that's not what gets people's attention. When you're pitching in gain and you're pitching opportunity, you are allowing the negative emotions and dynamics associated with that conversation to stay alive in their brain, and if it's alive in their brain, as you're pitching gain and opportunity, they're not listening to you. They're dealing with those ... Think of it as ping pong balls in a hopper, and you can write a negative emotion or dynamic on every one of those ping pong balls, and that's what's going on in your head, and so we start out sequencing our conversation with throwing all of our data and information on the table saying, "Here's why I'm the best choice."
Again, please review the entire call and transcript that is in The Film Room section below.
I highly encourage you to enroll in this program.
Here is the link - MONTHLY BLACK SWAN CALLS.
Please email [email protected] with any questions about this program.
In June of 2023...
We are going to do a live 2 day program with Chris Voss and the Black Swan coaches.
The location will be either Los Angeles or Las Vegas. If you would like to get updates on this program - dates/ location/ pricing... please email [email protected] with BLACK SWAN in the subject line.
Don't forget to check out the 4-part video series that is the perfect compliment to the book:
The Full Fee Agent 4-Part Video Course [Non-Compass Agents]
The Full Fee Agent 4-Part Video Course [Compass Agents]