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Threat or Opportunity? How to Deal With the New Real Estate Landscape

coach's corner mindset Aug 18, 2024
stressed woman in front of laptop

by Steve Shull


Right now, fear is everywhere.

It’s in every conversation. It’s permeating every aspect of the business.

The reality is sinking in—change isn’t just on the horizon. It’s already here, and every agent is about to navigate some seriously rough waters.

Is your boat ready to navigate the storm?

Three things will keep you afloat: your mindset, your standards, and your processes.

If your mind is set on fear instead of harmony…

If you fail to set clear standards for how you do business…

If you have no processes in place to support your standards…

You are in for a rough ride. You might not drown, but you will definitely get battered.

You have a choice in front of you.

You can see these changes as a threat…OR seize them as an opportunity. 

This is a moment when the playing field has been leveled. Every agent is standing on the same uncertain ground. The winners will be the ones who can adapt the fastest.

Here’s what we know: sellers will still sell, buyers will still buy, and agents won’t become obsolete.

What we don’t know is how buyers and sellers will react to the new landscape.

My guess is they’ll test the limits, push boundaries, and see how willing you are to roll over and lower your fees.

Your value will be questioned like never before. If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you’ll go backwards—you can count on that.

The only way to prepare for what’s next is to TRAIN for it. You need to increase your study time, sharpen your skills, and drill until it’s second nature.

Otherwise you’re looking at a guaranteed PAY CUT.

This is a real moment of truth in the real estate industry.

Everything is truly subject to change, and if you’re not hyper self-aware, fear WILL take over.

You WILL hit the panic button. You WILL tighten up. You WILL buy into the false premise that something is better than nothing.

That’s a survival mindset, and you didn’t get into this business just to survive. The goal isn’t to simply weather the storm—it’s to ELEVATE your level of skill and professionalism.

There WILL be negative consequences for every agent who does not up their game right now.

That’s why we have 3 NEW programs designed to help you do exactly that.

Are you going to just delete this email…

Or are you going to CLICK HERE and commit to raising your game?

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