What Ballet and Real Estate Have in Common
Jun 30, 2024
there are 3 primary forces that impact your production as a real estate professional…
- What you do every day
- What the real estate market is doing
- What the people in your CRM are doing
If we assume these three forces are approximately equal, it instantly becomes clear…
You’re only in control of ONE THIRD of the factors that impact your production!
(And if we’re really being honest, it’s less than that because forces #2 and #3 are actually much stronger than #1.)
This means you can do everything RIGHT and still have a lousy year…
And conversely, you can do everything WRONG, and the market and your clients might bail you out.
That’s the reality of this business. There’s no escaping it.
If you ignore this reality, you’ll spend way too much of your time, energy, and money on things you have no control over.
That’s precisely what most agents do, and sooner or later, it burns them out.
This is why in my coaching, week after week, all roads lead to Rome…
And by Rome I mean the 6 Building Blocks.
No matter how you spin it, no matter how you look at it, no matter how many times you want to bang your head against the wall…
Until you master these 6 simple, fundamental business practices…
You’re not giving yourself the best chance of success.
Let’s go back for a second to those three forces. For you to close a deal, all three have to be in alignment: you, the market, and your clients. If one of the three is not ready to do the deal, the deal will not happen.
But you have no control over what the market and your clients do. You can’t make them get in alignment.
You can only be READY for when they do.
If you’re busy chasing deals…
Going on listing appointments with people who will never hire you…
Wasting your time and money on low-quality leads and other “magic pills”…
Running from one shiny new idea to the next in search of instant results…
You won’t be ready.
In fact, you probably won’t even REALIZE that the other two forces have aligned because you’re too distracted, anxious, and exhausted.
The 6 Building Blocks are what make you ready.
They are the ONLY things you need to do to build a real estate business that’s sustainable, scalable, and stress free.
- Mindset of Harmony
- Time Blocking
- Process Management
- Tactical Empathy
- Knowing Your Numbers
(If these are new to you, check out this blog post for a brief explanation.)
THIS is the work.
This is what you need to be focused on every day.
Otherwise, you’re stuck on a treadmill to nowhere, pedaling harder and harder to accomplish less and less.
Until you’re doing these 6 things consistently, everything else is a distraction.
The first step in doing this work is to read Real Estate Is Not Rocket Science.
Part 1 talks about the nature of real estate, how to let go of your fear, and how to be coachable.
Part 2 explores each of the 6 Building Blocks in detail.
Part 3 shows you how to create consistency and stay on track.
If you’re new to the 6 Building Blocks…or if you’re NOT new but you’re still not actually doing them every day…this book is where you should start.
It’s a true game changer.
It will reset your mind, your actions, and your habits.
Most importantly, it will give you the power to ENJOY what you do every day.
These fundamentals are ALWAYS relevant.
It doesn’t matter what market you’re in, what that market is doing, who your target clients are, what tools you use, or anything else…
The path to success is always the same.
Every week, my team and I are looking for different ways to say the same things, hoping one of them will click for you.
When I said this to Madison, my ghostwriter, she told me she had heard it before…from her ballet teacher.
In college, she started taking ballet three times a week. Every single class followed the same traditional sequence of ballet exercises, with only slight variations in the choreography and music.
Every week, the teacher found new words, images, and analogies to explain exactly how each movement should look and feel.
It was repetitive…and the repetition WORKED.
Every class, she got a little better at each movement. Every new explanation deepened her understanding of what she was trying to achieve.
And guess what? The repetition never ends.
PROFESSIONAL ballet dancers do that SAME sequence of exercises every day…because those are the building blocks of their profession!
So I’m going to keep harping on about these 6 Building Blocks…
Because if you’re just starting to practice them, you need the constant reminders and the different explanations and analogies.
And if you’re a seasoned pro at them, you STILL need regular practice to keep yourself at the top of your game.
So if you ever find yourself getting bored with these 6 things…
Or looking around in a panic for a shiny new idea…
Remember the ballet dancers.
You don’t need a new thing.
You just need to work on your fundamentals.
Have a great week,
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