$2,000.00 USD

Beyond the Book | Tactical Empathy with Danielle Lazier

Small group coaching and role play series designed to harness the transformative power of Tactical Empathy and advanced emotional intelligence in real estate.

Duration: 6 weeks, starting October 3rd

Format: Two calls each week, live on Zoom

Schedule: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9:00-9:50AM Pacific / 12:00-12:50 Eastern

Can’t make every session? All calls will be recorded for future reference!

Investment: $2,000

  • Compass Agents- Marketing Dollars can be used for this class. You will pay out of pocket and then submit to Compass for reimbursement. Coaching Dollars (10x10) cannot be used for this class.
  • Email [email protected] to learn about our payment plan options.

What People Are Saying:

Danielle is the agent who has embraced Tactical Empathy more than any other. Her mastery of this methodology is obvious. She is in the field every day putting this work to the test, real life in real time. Join her in this program to dramatically increase your communication, negotiating, and business-building skills.

Steve Shull